Gigabyte K8NNXP: Tech Support and RMA

For your reference, we will repost our support evaluation procedure here:

The way our Tech Support evaluation works is first we anonymously email the manufacturer's tech support address(es), obviously not using our AnandTech mail server to avoid any sort of preferential treatment. Our emails (we can and will send more than one just to make sure we are not getting the staff on an “off” day) all contain fixable problems that we have had with our motherboard. We then give the manufacturer up to 72 business hours to respond and then we will report whether or not they responded within the time allotted, and if they were successful in fixing our problems. In case we don't receive a response before the review is published, any future responses will be added to the review, including the total time it took for the manufacturer to respond to our requests.

The idea here is to encourage manufacturers to improve their technical support as well as provide new criteria upon which to base your motherboard purchasing decisions. As motherboards become more similar every day, we have to help separate the boys from the men in as many ways as possible. As usual, we are interested in your feedback on this and other parts of our reviews, so please do email us with your comments.

Gigabyte's RMA policy is easy to follow and fairly good for a tier one motherboard maker. They offer a one-to-three year (depending on the model) manufacturer's Limited warranty. If you are experiencing difficulties in warranty service through your dealer, Gigabyte may attempt to resolve this issue. You must provide the following details to process your RMA request: Name, Address, Phone/Fax number, Model/Revision number, Serial number (10 digits), the precise issues that you are experiencing, name of vendor from which you purchased your Gigabyte product (include vendor contact info), CPU type and size, and memory module type and size. Like ASUS, Gigabyte prefers that you deal directly with the vendor from where you purchased the motherboard rather than directly with them.

In recent tests, Gigabyte has become the first Tier 1 manufacturer to consistently meet our 72-hour reply deadline — which is a vast improvement over past Gigabyte tech support. Since we were testing a pre-release board, any answer we would get from Gigabyte would hardly be a fair measurement of typical consumer response. We therefore decided to delay another Gigabyte tech support test until we were examining a released motherboard. Gigabyte tells us that the K8NNXP-940 should be available at dealers within the next couple of weeks.

Gigabyte K8NNXP-940: Stress Testing Performance Test Configuration
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  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 11, 2003 - link

    Hmm.. something just occured to me. (This is #24 again.) Anyone else remember the days of the Pentium and Pentium Pro? Well, it seems like we may be reentering the whole "high-end CPUs are different from midrange ones in ways other than clock speed" thing.. except this time around, the Macs aren't faster (the G5 and its super-deep pipeline can kiss my ass, thanks.. and probably the Hammer's while it's at it), and there are two companies in the game. This is going to be fun.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 11, 2003 - link

    Hey, why isn't the Nehalem in this review? So what if it doesn't exist? They've got like 80% of it planned out now anyway, it's unfair to have this review biased towards AMD.

    Well, SOMEONE had to be ignorant and stupid, and hell if I'm going to say a thing about the Pentium 4 Xeon MP Edition.

    Uh. Anyway. The Athlon FX may just be a rebranded Opteron, but it's cheaper than the rebranded Xeon MP and much better at its job, so who cares what's a rebranded what? Not that I'd ever buy an Athlon 64 at these prices, but it seems the only market sector Intel has left is the low high end :D
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    Excellent review! I'll be reading all of your writings from now on. :D
  • sandorski - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    Sweet motherboard, makes me think that as Athlon 64/FX motherboards mature, more performance will be acheived.
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    Haha, good point #20!
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    #12, perhaps because P4EE does not exist...
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    When will this board be released?
  • Reflex - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    #11: I am not reffering to Quad-Channel DDR as I think you believe. I am reffering to Quad-Data Rate SDRAM. It uses the same pin count as DDR but sends information four times per clock, resulting in twice the bandwidth as DDR. If AMD supported it in their on board controller it would not require a higher pin count.

    However there must be some technical reason for QDR not appearing by now since its been 'just around the corner' for over two years now...
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    Mostly I meant that running hand-compiled 64-bit apps would be irrelevant. I'd love to see another article in a few months, when Linux apps start actually arriving in 64-bit versions. But until then, it would be akin to Tom's OC'ing the P4EE. It may be interesting to a few people, but it would appear biased to almost everyone else.
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    #15, 64-bit tests running linux would not be relevant? what about those of us who are running linux right now? I for one would love to see a 64-bit set of linux benchmarks included.

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