Idle Power Measurement

SATA SSDs are tested with SATA link power management disabled to measure their active idle power draw, and with it enabled for the deeper idle power consumption score. The idle wake-up latency is how much longer the drive takes to respond coming out of sleep than when it is in the active idle state. Our testbed, like any ordinary desktop system, cannot trigger the deepest DevSleep idle state.

Active Idle Power Consumption (No LPM)Idle Power Consumption

The Team Delta RGB's idle power behavior is typical for drives using the SM2258 controller. Active idle of around 0.5 W and sleep power in the 60-70 mW range is reasonable, but there is clearly some room for improvement.

Idle Wake-Up Latency

The idle wakeup latency of the Delta RGB is well under 1ms and thus unlikely to be a problem even with aggressive link power management.

Mixed Read/Write Performance Conclusion
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  • rrinker - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - link

    Well, at least the LEDs don't kill the performance, so I guess that's a positive, at least compared to the HyperX. Now they just wreck the price/performance ratio. Again, I must just be an old fogey because I'd much rather chose the best performing piece of hardware at a given price point, instead of the fanciest looking. Should they correspond (not likely) then I guess I'd get the one with all the fancy lights and just not hook them up.
  • khanikun - Thursday, September 27, 2018 - link

    I think the problem is, is that it's more likely that they will eventually correspond. Not due to the price or anything being cheaper to produce, they just stop making the non-RGB version, cause higher profit margin.

    They'll make the best performance item, lace it with RGBs, call it Gamer something, then charge a higher price. Then they make lower performance/lower feature versions. I'm already seeing that with motherboards. My last mobo was a Gigabyte and to get the chipset and features I wanted, it ended up being an RGB mobo. My new Gigabyte mobo, same thing, but no RGBs in the mobo, just RGB headers.
  • xrror - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - link

    What would be fun is if Team Group sold just the shells and RGB LED part of this, and you put your own SSD inside it =)
  • DyneCorp - Thursday, April 25, 2019 - link

    Thanks for the review, Billy. Why do you think the Delta SSD has a quarter of the endurance of the SU800? Smaller SLC cache buffer? ADATAs more strenuous NAND binning process?

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