Intel consumers should take a look at the Abit IC7-G 875P motherboard, especially if overclocking is a priority. Sporting optical audio output and input, SATA, Firewire, and the much touted Intel Pro1000 gigabit LAN adapter, the IC7 certainly provides for full featured computing. This board works quite well with 800MHz FSB processors as well, such as this week's recommended 2.8GHz Pentium 4 chip. The non 'G' version of this board can also be had for $20-$30 less if you are willing to sacrifice two of the SATA ports, downgrade to 10/100 LAN, and drop the ABIT Serillel adapter. In either case, you are still getting one of the best overclocking boards available for socket 478 processors.

AMD VIA Motherboards
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  • Marlin1975 - Saturday, July 24, 2004 - link

    Your list is already old. Should have waited until monday to look at prices as AMD just dropped teh prices on their A64 line, some I have seen by as much as $100.

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