Final Words

The latest Vertex 4 firmware updates provide a noticeable boost in sequential write speed at 128GB and 256GB capacities, and the low queue depth sequential read performance issue has also been fixed. Our primary complaints from the initial review, at least from a performance perspective, have been addressed.  

That being said, there's still room for improvement. Small file size sequential read performance needs work. Thankfully most sequential reads in client workloads tend to be in the sweet spot for the Vertex 4, but there are some applications that do a lot of small sequential IO (e.g. web browser cache accesses). 

The Vertex 4 continues to do a great job addressing one of the major performance issues with SSDs: maintaining great write performance. The V4 always tested very well under the most strenuous of circumstances. Now the trick is bringing mass appeal to the drive, which is admittedly more about ensuring compatibility and reliability than improving performance with small files.

OCZ's new performance mode in the Vertex 4's firmware is pretty unique. While the specifics of what's going on internally are unknown, (somewhat) dynamically switching between performance states depending on the amount of space used on the drive is an interesting idea. I don't know how practical it is for the majority of users (I tend to run most of my drives well above 50% capacity), but innovation should always be encouraged. In this case, it's innovation that's the direct result of having complete access to the controller's firmware - an important step for OCZ in its evolution as a drive maker.

AnandTech Storage Bench 2011 - Light Workload
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  • hasseb64 - Sunday, August 5, 2012 - link

    This OCZ firmware review biz has to stop. Let them get ONE chance to deliver a FINALIZED PRODUCT (review it 1 time, and then it is enogh). We consumers should not accept a half finished product.
  • jwilliams4200 - Sunday, August 5, 2012 - link

    The solution to that is simple. Just do what I do. Never buy OCZ.
  • peevee - Monday, August 6, 2012 - link

    OCZ is a sketchy business. We remember upder0the-table downgrade of Vertex 2. We remember blue-screening Vertex/Agility 3s. Now this.
    OCZ employs incompetent firmware engineers. 15 months later after I purchased my Vertex 3, and the latest firmware is still unstable.
    Now all modern SATA III SSDs are fast enough for desktop use. The main differentiators are reliability and quality of support. And at these metrics OCZ is the worst of the worst. They still cannot upgrade firmware on a system drive from Windows, they still don't work with Mac at all, they still will require you to "Sec erase" your drive with your system (and then spend hundred hours to reinstall and reconfigure everything again) every time they update firmware, they still don't allow you to go to an old firmware (although some on them crash less for some users then their new firmwares) and require you to have working internet connection for update utility to redownload firmware every time... And blame problems on everybody else (while other drives simply work). This company is so bad it should simply die. I don't know why Tom's pays them so much attention, OCZ's reputation is beyond repair at this point.
  • vishwa108 - Sunday, August 5, 2012 - link

    It is never a good moment when the bull being lead by its nose-ring is claiming to be leading the bullring. This OCZ Independence Day saga have had many a worshipful scurrying to atone his altarboy days of their “independent” review and now, after “Version 1.5”, the worship is still akin to the fruit of The Choir Boys At Practice being heard louder than ever.

    First it was OCZ Zist und Zat soon to be followed by photocopied scans of “the reviewers” bottoms and then it was Marvellouski, quickly buried by another version of Amerikana 1.4 – only to end up with some vacuous advice of the, “Don’t go beyond half und you be OK, ja?”, variety. All for a good course/cause in buggery no less. No wonder Amerikans are being offered either the feast of Uncle Tommy und hist Kobbling Kabin Krew or another Mormon extravaganza with the mesmerised numpty vessels ringing louder than ever whenever the word, “War”, is messaged. What? OCZ are not of Yankeeland but rather of those who will soon be receiving their just rewards from across The Straits? Makes you ‘fink, ain’t eet. Perhaps the truth ought to be tried once in awhile – with all holes barred, of course.

    It is self benevolent to realise that Truth is merely another word for Freedom because the freedom that was gifted is about another/others and is not about self – when the gift was taken back. When truth is of self, you can’t even get it out of the blighter after a severe bout of torture. Hands up those who would like to disagree – especially when it is via a freed versioned 1.5 of some SSD doo-dah.
  • ssddaydream - Sunday, August 5, 2012 - link

    what is wrong with you?
  • shunya806 - Sunday, August 5, 2012 - link

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  • mark53916 - Monday, August 6, 2012 - link

    What happens to the lifetime and reliability of the OCZ Technology Vertex 4
    drives with firmware 1.5 when the drive is only running at 1/2 capacity?

    We already know that the performance is improved, but there may be other
    advantages to operating with reduced capacity. These two come to mind:
    1. The drive endurance may be improved
    If it turns out that either the drive endurance is improved if the
    drive is only half used I would be very happy.

    2. The data retention time for powered off devices may be improved.
    Increased powered off data retention time at reduced capacity
    won't affect me much since I couldn't afford solid state for my monthly
    backups even at the full capacity price, but people who have to
    keep around old system disks for long periods would benefit
    if the powered off data retention time were increased

    In addition, I find that the per byte price for SLC drives seems to be about
    10 times what the cost is for MLC drives [even though the manufacturing techniques
    seem to indicate that manufacturing cost is slightly less than 2 or 3 times
    as much for SLC compared to MLC.
    I'd gladly spend 2x the price per byte and run at 1/2 capacity until I actually
    need the additional capacity, even without increased drive endurance or
    powered off retention time, just for the improved performance.
  • FunBunny2 - Monday, August 6, 2012 - link

    SLC and MLC are the same parts, just binned and then programmed for either 1 or 2 bits. That's it.
  • robalm - Sunday, September 16, 2012 - link

    I decided to upgrade from my old Intel x25-m g2 80gb to a new fast ssd.
    It became an OCZ Vertex 4 128gb (1.5) but now I saw this review and this:

    "Small filesize sequential read performance needs work. Thankfully most sequential reads in client workloads tend to be in the sweet spot for the Vertex 4, but there are some applications That do a lot of small sequential IO (eg web browser cache accesses). '

    Have I made ​​a stupid upgrde when it come to web browser performence?
  • ryrynz - Monday, December 15, 2014 - link

    My Vertex 4 128GB had a sudden death. Seems to be fairly common for these drives.
    MAKE SURE YOU'RE BACKED UP. If you get some sudden reboots you know your controller
    is on the way out.. one time it'll happen and poof.. no drive detected, you've been warned.

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