Along with today’s announcement of the OEM mobile Radeon M300 series, AMD has also announced the OEM desktop Radeon 300 Series. This was a rather low-key launch with only a very brief press release on the matter along with AMD updating the OEM Radeon website, and as one might expect this is for good reason.

We’ve been through this event once before – most recently with the OEM HD 8000 series – so our regular readers will know the drill. Whether or not GPU manufacturers have new GPUs, OEMs will want new parts to sell, which leads to GPU manufacturers engaging in rebranding and subtle spec changes to create new parts to sell under a new series name. In AMD’s case this is complicated by the fact that they have been updating their GPUs in a piecemeal fashion – Hawaii, Bonaire, and Tonga have all landed at very different times – and AMD is not done yet as they’re going to be launching a new high-end GPU this quarter. So AMD needs a product lineup to include both the new part and their retained parts under a single brand, which leads to another incentive for rebadging.

In any case, as these are OEM parts I advise not reading into the names and specifications too much. AMD’s OEM and Retail parts can be very different at times – and at other times there aren’t any retail parts at all (HD 8000) – so these OEM parts aren’t necessarily indicative of what we’re going to see in retail in the coming months. Though based on AMD’s actions with the Radeon 200 series, we may yet see a similar rebadge happen for the retail 300 series.

AMD OEM Desktop Radeon R9 300 Series
  AMD Radeon HD R9 380 OEM AMD Radeon R9 370 OEM AMD Radeon R9 360 OEM
Was Variant of R9 285 Variant of R7 265 Variant of R9 260 (OEM)
Stream Processors 1792 1024 768
Texture Units 112 64 48
ROPs 32 32 16
Boost Clock <=918MHz <=975MHz <=1050MHz
Memory Clock 5.5GHz GDDR5 5.6GHz GDDR5 6.5GHz GDDR5?
Memory Bus Width 256-bit 256-bit 128-bit
Transistor Count 5.0B 2.8B 2.08B
GPU Tonga Pitcairn Bonaire
Manufacturing Process TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm
Architecture GCN 1.2 GCN 1.0 GCN 1.1

Starting things off, we have the OEM R9 series. Today’s release tops out at R9 380 OEM (I can only imagine AMD is saving 390 for their new GPU), along with the R9 370 OEM and R9 360 OEM. The R9 380 OEM appears to be a variant of the desktop R9 285, which marks the first time that a Tonga card has been released in an OEM configuration. The quoted clockspeeds are identical to the retail R9 285, which means the “up to” GPU clockspeed should result in the R9 380 OEM being perfectly identical to the R9 285 if given its maximum configuration.

Meanwhile for the R9 370 OEM we have a cut-down Pitcairn card, with only 1024 of its 1280 SPs active. This makes it a variant of the retail R7 265, though with a slightly higher maximum GPU clockspeed. Truth be told I’m a bit worried to see a fresh Pitcairn part in 2015; Pitcairn has been a workhorse for AMD, having now survived into its 4th generation of cards. However at over 3 years old and based on GCN 1.0, it lacks more modern functionality such as the ability to decode 4K H.264 video files, AMD’s improved power management technology, and support for AMD’s Freesync technology.

Finally we have the R9 360 OEM. This appears to be a variant of the R9 260 OEM, featuring an AMD Bonaire GPU with only 768 of its 896 SPs enabled. Oddly, the listed memory bandwidth for the part, 104GB/sec, would require 6.5GHz GDDR5 memory given Bonaire’s 128-bit bus. I suspect that may be an error on AMD’s part, though it’s not outside the realm of possibility. In any case the R9 360 OEM also appears to be a regression from the R9 260 OEM; the latter was a fully enabled Bonaire part, whereas this one is not. At the very least it’s GCN 1.1 based, so it will have the newer features that the Pitcairn based R9 370 OEM lacks.

AMD OEM Desktop Radeon R7 300 Series
  AMD Radeon HD R7 350 OEM AMD Radeon R7 340 OEM
Was R7 250 R7 240
Stream Processors 384 384
Texture Units 24 24
ROPs 8 8
Boost Clock <=1050MHz <=780Hz
Memory Clock <=4.5GHz GDDR5
<=4.5GHz GDDR5
Memory Bus Width 128-bit 128-bit
GPU Oland Oland
Manufacturing Process TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm
Architecture GCN 1.0 GCN 1.0

Up next is the R7 300 OEM series, which is composed of the R7 350 OEM and R7 340 OEM. Both of these cards are straight-up rebadges of AMD’s existing R7 250 OEM and R7 240 OEM parts, and both are based on the same GCN 1.0 Oland GPU. With just 384 SPs these are low cost, low performing parts. The difference between the two is their clockspeeds, with R7 350 being clocked quite a bit higher, whereas R7 340 is clocked lower in exchange for being available as a low-profile card. Unfortunately the memory situation is quite complex here, as these cards can be equipped with either GDDR5 or DDR3; the GDDR5 versions will of course be the much faster versions.

Among its other quirks, Oland lacks a hardware video decoder. So these parts are likely to be paired with low-end AMD Kaveri APUs, possibly for a Dual Graphics configuration.

AMD OEM Desktop Radeon R5 300 Series
  AMD Radeon HD R5 340 OEM AMD Radeon R5 330 OEM
Was Variant of R5 240 Variant of R5 240
Stream Processors 320 320
Texture Units 20 20
ROPs 8 8
Boost Clock <=825MHz <=855Hz
Memory Clock ? GDDR5/DDR3 ? DDR3
Memory Bus Width ? ?
GPU Oland Oland
Manufacturing Process TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm
Architecture GCN 1.0 GCN 1.0

Finally, for the R5 300 OEM series we have two more Oland parts. These are ultra low end, low-profile single slot parts. AMD does not even publish the GPU bandwidth numbers for these parts, and as a result I suspect these may be 64-bit parts to further cut down on costs. Of particular note, the R5 330 lacks HDMI support, so it’s almost certainly geared towards APAC markets where VGA is still in common use.

Wrapping things up, AMD's press release mentions that these new OEM parts are shipping now. HP is already confirmed to be shipping PCs with these new cards, and we expect other OEMs to ramp up as well as they launch their back-to-school season computers.

Source: AMD

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  • mczak - Thursday, May 7, 2015 - link

    FWIW I think AMD is a bit confusing on their own site, as they only list "video codec engine" - this is however the encode block (vce). They do not list UVD at all nowadays, I guess take it for granted... Nevertheless, these chips support UVD, the R7 250/240 were sometimes recommended for HTPC builds...
  • Clauzii - Thursday, May 7, 2015 - link

    I can recommend the Sapphire R7 Ultimate any day for that purpose :)
  • Flunk - Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - link

    Well, that's not very impressive. Sounds like all they're really doing is replacing the 290x with a new card and dropping out a few unnecessary versions. I'm sure they'll add some numbers for the retail cards but this is not starting out well.
  • ravyne - Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - link

    Before anyone gets in a tizzy, these are OEM-branded cards sold strictly to the likes of HP or Dell, the big PC brands that get all the corporate orders, not even boutique PC vendors like CyberPower, etc.

    Both AMD and nVidia routinely sell last-generation parts into the big-business OEM market and allow for them to be branded as OEM parts under the current-gen naming scheme. Its a shitty practice, IMO, but one both vendors are equally guitly of, and which has no bearing on what their retail-bound SKUs will be. This doesn't mean retail R9 380 and lesser cards will be rebrands (though, I do think we'll see Tonga at some level, and perhaps a tweaked Hawaii).

    You should be careful if you buy a PC from HP or Dell, even as an individual, that you don't get one of these cards while expecting the retail SKUs, because it sometimes happens, but you don't have to worry about getting one of these last-gen parts from retail outlets once those launch.
  • ravyne - Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - link

    Personally, I suspect a (possibly-tweaked) Hawaii in the retail R9 380/X slot, and a full-fat Tonga in the R9 370/X slot, and maybe Bonaire at the very low levels (R5) -- there's hole where Pitcairn used to sit with ~1024 shaders, but I don't think they'll run it again with GCN 1.0. What they need is something like a half-Tonga with 1280 or 1024 shaders and a 128-bit or 192-bit GDDR5 bus, to slot into the R7 360/X spot.
  • Yojimbo - Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - link

    I am trying to find where either AMD or NVIDIA has done what you are implying. I haven't pored through the parts lists thoroughly, but what I found was that for all the NVIDIA parts I checked (desktop parts in the 600, 700, 900 series) the OEMs parts seems to be of the same generation as the retail parts in the same series. AMD did have 7000 series OEM parts that were from the previous generation as retail 7000 series parts (perhaps they did it later than that too, but I didn't look too thoroughly), but they were still differentiated by different model numbers! So not only didn't I see NVIDIA do what you claim at all, but for AMD to be in line with what they have done in the past it seems that the retail parts should be named something like "R9 385", "R9 375", etc. if these new retail cards will be some new generation, as you seem to be claiming. If you have any specific examples of what you are talking about, please include them.
  • Oxford Guy - Thursday, May 7, 2015 - link

    Different model numbers meaning some arcane string, generally irrelevant to the consumer and mostly hidden, that's tacked on to the regular model number -- as when Lenovo sent out S-10 netbooks to reviewers and then sold S-10 netbooks to consumers with glossy screens to save a few pennies in manufacturing cost?

    Rebadging should be illegal.

    Selling GPUs with different specs but with the same main naming number (e.g. two different "8400 GS" gpus) should be illegal.

    Taking "OEM" or an arcane, usually hidden part number on does not qualify as adequately clear product naming practice.

    Stop making excuses for what is clearly meant to be legal fraud.
  • Oxford Guy - Thursday, May 7, 2015 - link

    tacking, not taking

    and matte for the reviewed S-10s. Matte netbooks were rare and reviews specifically cited the matte screen as being a reason to choose that product. Selling glossy models with the same name but with one of three or four arcane numbers tacked on and mostly hidden away is bait and switch. It does not require undue effort to sell an S-10M and an S-10G. Or, better yet, an "S-10 Glossy".
  • Yojimbo - Thursday, May 7, 2015 - link

    Where am I making excuses? My post had nothing to do with the ethics of rebranding, it only was to refute ravyne's claim that what AMD seems to be doing with the 300 series so far was done before by both NVIDIA and AMD. I think AMD is really pushing the envelope of rebranding here.

    That being said I disagree with your assertion that it's fraud and that it should be made illegal. You're going off the deep end there. To begin with, how on earth can you complain about a company updating a product line with a new chip (as in the 8400 GS)? If Ford makes a Mustang GT they can never increase the horsepower and use the same name? Ridiculous. We don't need the government to step in and tell companies how they can and cannot brand their products. They aren't making any false claims. They may be trying to take advantage of people's poor assumptions but so what? Next thing you'll want to make it illegal to paint your house before you put it on the market to sell it. People don't buy a newly painted house for more money because they really are in the market for a newly painted house, but rather because they have the mistaken impression that the house is somehow in better condition simply because it looks shinier.
  • extide - Thursday, May 7, 2015 - link

    You are going on the assumption that the retail cards will be 300 series as well. They will probably NOT be, they will probably be 400 series. They wont make 2 cards with the same model number, one being retail and one being OEM, with different specs. When they said 'they do this all the time' they were referring to rebadging in general, and having OEM only 'generations' (nVidia 100, 300 series, AMD 8000 series, etc)

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