Racksaver UltraThin RS-1100 - 1U

The final 1U server in this roundup comes from a company called Racksaver with their RS-1100. The RS-1100 takes a somewhat different approach to the 1U 2P Athlon MP solution by focusing more on the ISP market.

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The first thing you notice about the RS-1100 is that the chassis is noticeably shorter than Appro's 1124 and even CCSI's 1U offering. Looking at the front of the chassis you'll see that there are no removable drive bays, only a floppy drive, slimline CD-ROM drive, two fans and a combination power/reset switch.

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There are only two LEDs on the front of the chassis; one for power and one for disk activity. The two LEDs are located directly above the combination power/reset switch. If you push the upper portion of the switch that turns the system on/off, if you push the lower half then you'll reset the server. Unfortunately there's no protection if someone accidentally bumps into the switch so you'll want to keep those racks locked up tight.

Unlike the previous two 1U systems we looked at, virtually the entire cooling system of the RS-1100 is visible from the outside. There are the two fans at the front of the chassis that take in cool air, and if you rotate the system 90 degrees you'll see another three fans; two exhaust and one smaller intake fan.

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The rear of the case is fairly plain like the other two 1U systems; the presence of two Ethernet ports on the rear hint at the Thunder K7X residing on the inside.

Inside the CCSI 1U Chassis Getting inside Racksaver's RS-1100
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