How it Rates

AnandTech Motherboard Rating

Rating (x/10)


All the KT133 motherboards tested have preformed within a range of 7%. If we consider recent KT133 motherboards, for example the AK73 Pro, their performance is much better than the ones seen in the past.



Because of the high quality of components, the AK73 Pro is priced a little bit above average.



The AK73 Pro is very stable when compared to all KT133 motherboards. Three crashes in 24 hours made this board the fourth most stable KT133 board in our tests.



AOpen has always been associated with high quality and the AK73 Pro is yet another example. The quality is shown in the choice of capacitors, voltage regulators, as well as the effort AOpen put in the layout design.



The ability to change the multiplier settings as well as the Ultra ATA 100 support are the main features of the AK73 Pro. Other features like the Dr. Voice and Dr. LED also helps to make this board stand out. The inclusion of the extra USB headers also gives users more flexibility.



The layout of the motherboard is very good. Components do not block each other, and the overall placement of parts is very clean.



AOpen products are relatively easy to find in online stores or local computer shops. You probably can't find their products in Best Buy and Circuit City, but in some large electronic / computer stores like Fry's Electronics, there is a chance you will find some AOpen products.


Documentation & Software Bundle

The documentation for the AK73 Pro is excellent. Beginners can refer to the easy setup poster. Advanced users can go straight to the manual, where they are able to find every piece of information they will ever need.

The AOpen CD includes all the drivers and utilities for the motherboard. Also, the Norton Antivirus 6.0 CD provides users with a more recent version of Antivirus software.

Overall Rating - not an average Click here to find out why


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