Apple has just published update 10.0.1 for its Final Cut Pro X video editing software. It adds a number of features to the program based mostly on user feedback - many developers were upset that the initial release removed features present in the previous version, and that the software was unable to import  projects created in older versions of Final Cut.

The new features include Xsan support, rich XML import and export, support for Media Stems, support for Lion's full screen mode, GPU acceleration, and more - check the Apple page for a complete list, and note at the bottom of this page that "Multicam Editing" and "Broadcast-Quality Video Monitoring" are listed as coming in 2012 with another update.

Time will tell if these new features help the polarizing software's reputation with developers who don't like it - either way, it seems clear that anyone who needs to work with older Final Cut projects or misses the functionality of Soundtrack Pro or DVD Studio Pro won't find those features added to Final Cut Pro X any time soon. However, if you are on the fence or if you'd like to see whether the new software will work for you without spending money, Apple is now offering a 30-day free trial for download from its Web site.

Source: Apple

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  • greylica - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link

    When you have to use only *new* software with crippled functionality, and have no choice of downgrading to a previous version of what works very well...
    Free software at least have it's repositories, where you can find whatever version ( including fonts to compile ) you want...
  • CalaverasGrande - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link

    I've been installing this at the TV station I work for (as I type this from the directors desk in the control room where I am supposed to be fixing iNews). The App Store is not ready for prime time. Ther are not enough fields in the billing information to accomodate a company credit card. The first couple of times we tried to install FCP X it fraud alerted our credit card company! Thank the maker the director of fiance is just down the hall.
    Customer service is terrible. There is no phone support for the App store. They will talk to you for a minute if you have Applecare, but once they determine you are just trying to get App store to work they will direct you to email in your issue.
    It throws errors constantly when trying to install FCP. I have figured out the only sure fire way for it to work is to start the purchase, confirm the card security code, wait a minute. Then kill the App store app and restart it. Then the installation will begin. Good thin only the art dept uses this cursed application. The rest of our facility is Avid software.
  • jecs - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link

    Not yet convinced. So I will wait. FCP 7 is still working fine on my current machine. Is Apple really committed to the professional market or are they dedicating to the consumer market? Maybe next year I will have a clearer picture from what Apple wanted and where the market is heading with FCP.

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